Shopfront Portraits: Hank’s

Hank’s, 27 Denmark Street, London WC2.
Spread over several floors, No. 27 was the home of Andy’s Guitar Workshop betwen 1978 and 2007. After Andy’s went bust, Hank’s moved from No. 24. Luthier Graham Noden has his workshop in the basement.
The adjacent passage used to lead to Denmark Place, with the site of the old 12-Bar Club to the left.
The only time in my life I have sold a guitar to a shop was here. After finishing university in the early 90s I was stony broke and walked into Andy’s with my late-70s Epiphone Genesis. They gave me £150 in cash for it, which paid my rent for a couple of weeks. I have regretted doing that ever since. It was a lovely guitar and, in the great scheme of things, £150 is not a lot of money.
Although the alley has been boarded up with plywood, Hank’s isn’t directly affected by the construction work going on behind.

Felix takes a break at Hanks at the end of a day

Window display: “Hank’s is incredible” – Shortlist
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